
Showing posts from January, 2014

Selamat datang sekolah, selamat datang semester 2, selamat datang UN...

6 Januari masuk sekolah. Berarti besok dong! Jujur aja biasanya aku seneeeeeeeeng banget sama yang namanya masuk sekolah. Ketemu temen-temen soalnya, terus diajarin lagi sama guru-guru yang baik banget, dan aku suka deadline (sekalipun, being Ryan, aku biasanya rada telat ngasihnya hehe ._.). Sekarang aku juga seneng. Tapi masuk sekolah berarti sebentar lagi UN, sebentar lagi pisah sama temen-temenku yang pindah sekolah. Jadi aku sedih. Liburan ini manis banget pula. Rada mirip tahun lalu, kalo aku boleh bilang. Yah, minus belajar olim yang digantikan nyanyi-nyanyi kayak orang gila di kamar sih :p film liburannya bagus-bagus, 'pem-bully-an terkondisikan', lagu-lagu bagus, berkirim pesan lewat status sama Novi, pemandangan menarik, dan kiriman-kiriman yang berdatangan dari pos... apalagi yang mau aku minta? Ah, mungkin ketemu hazelnut . "All at once everything is different Now that I see you" - I See the Light, Mandy Moore & Zachary Levi, Tangled OST (2010)...

My mailbox's guests

I'm currently in love with Pos Indonesia (Indonesian Postal Service). Receiving letters, postcards and packages is far more special than receiving e-mails, SMS and stuff. It doesn't mean you have to send me those things, but every time I get that my feeling suddenly gets better :) I got some of these from Postcrossing , and the others from a penpalling website named . They're absolutely safe, I have used them for a long time and now I'm still here :p Here below are what I'd got from the service: My first postcard from Japan :) arrived in the middle of December 2013. A letter+birthday gifts from my first snail mail penpal from Sri Lanka. Arrived in the last week of December 2013. Another postcard, arrived 2 January 2014. These are from my friend in Sidoarjo, East Java :) my biggest happiness today, 3 January 2014. I'm so happy to receive them all! Looking forward for another surprises from the postal service! ...