Internet: About

Internet. What do you think when you hear this word? Some of you maybe think of social network, for example, Twitter, while the rest probably smile as they haven't done their homework. But the question is, what is internet?

According to Wikipedia, "the Internet is a global system of interconnected computer networks that use the standard Internet protocol suite (TCP/IP) to serve several billion users worldwide". I don't really understand what the sentence means (what is protocol suite?!), so I searched once again and finally found this easy-to-be-understood definition from Webopedia:
"The Internet is a global network connecting millions of computers."
Do you still have any question regarding the Internet? If yes, these below are probably the answers of your questions:

1. How was the internet found?
Internet was found by the US government, when it had the "Cold War" with the Soviet Union. At that time, the defense system of the US was built up on computers, which were interconnected. The Internet was named ARPANet.

2. Who owns the internet? 
No one, once again, no one. Yes, US found the Internet, but it doesn't mean the US have it. No one controls the Internet too!

3. Is web and internet the same?
It's different (surprisingly, for me). Internet is a concept, it connects networks. Word Wide Web (WWW), or simply Web, is a way of accessing information through the Internet.

4. What is URL?
URL is an acronym for Uniform Resource Locator, this allows computers on the Internet have names (in past time, they were identified by numbers). It was established between 1970s and 1983. Example:

5. Define HTML.
HTML is how web pages are written. What is web page, then? It is a document designed for viewing in a Web browser. People invented it in 1989.

6. What are the components of the Internet?
  • Client computers
  • Servers -> Enable information and resources to be shared among the computers.
  • Cables
  • Network connection devices -> Responsible for data (information) traffic.
Internet, Zambak, 2006

Adriana Viola Miranda
Computer Task
Wednesday, August 28, 2013 


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