"Kenapa sih, ada banyak orang yang pinter banget?" ujarku, merengut. Aku merasa bodoh sekali.

"Yang penting itu sifat. 2% dari seluruh umat manusia punya IQ di atas 140 loh kak, jadi setiap 50 orang ada 1 (atau 2, aku agak lupa). Jadi yang hebat kepintarannya itu banyak, tapi yang ngebedain itu karakter."
- Ibu

I promise you, Mom, I'll try as hard as I can to make you proud.

Thank you for all your support, your wise words... your expressions of love to me. I don't know what I would do without you here, beside me.

I know you're tired of hearing me complaining every time, about how hard life is, how I'm tired of keep failing, how I feel under pressure and I just can't bear it anymore....

Well, my heaviest pressure is, actually, I can't see you being disappointed with me; in this case, my progress at school.

I pray and pray everyday, to be better at school so that I won't see sadness in your face; yours, and Dad's. I never want to disappoint both of you... well, I disappoint you in lots of things, so this is the only thing left which I could hope for.

You gave and give me many things; and the most important thing is, you give me happiness every day. I wish I could give you both happiness, too. And I guess having a good result on my report card will make you happy, even though it's nothing compared to what you've given me.

The problem is..  maybe not this time.

But I promise you, once again, I promise you I'm going to study hard to be better next time.


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