
(Writer's note: I'm not really fluent in English.)

I was sleeping, I guess, when something -I don't know what it is- forced me to wake up. But instead of finding myself lying on bed, or at least lying down, I am standing in a room filled of papers. There is a window in front of me, and from the view it shows, I conclude that this room is not in the first floor. It's not too far from the ground, though. Where am I? I don't know what place it is. Why am I here?

It takes me some time to realize I'm bringing something in my hand. A knife. Wait... a knife? What did I do with it? Did someone put it in my hand while I was unconscious?

I don't find any answer for my questions. No, I can't. I'm now shocked on what I find next; the knife is full of blood. And a woman is lying in front of me, with a gash at her chest. Her face is covered with some sheets of paper. Their colour is white, but blood makes some of their parts red.

Did I kill her?

I remove the paper sheets from her face. I have to know who she was. But her face can't be recognised; what's left is only a grotesque complexion of meat and bone. Then something catches my eyes; on her neck lies a necklace I know so well. I gave it to my mom when I was 15 for her birthday.

Tears are coming from my eyes. I couldn't have killed my own mom; I loved her very much, I still do... I'll always do. It must not be my fault. This must be someone else's doing.

A sound distracts me from thinking. I accidentally dropped the knife. But it didn't land on the floor. Instead, it is now on a corpse.

...which is my brother's.

Suddenly I remember everything. I didn't kill my mom; my brother did. He did it in front of me, stabbing her again and again, and as I screamed to stop him, he grinned. Not long after that, he stabbed himself.

The picture of the incident runs inside my head faster. I screamed once again, I ran, I took the knife from his body, hoping he would be saved. But it is only a dream.

I don't know why he killed mom. He made me come to this place by sending a letter with a map in it, Sister, I've got something interesting to show you. The letter was written with blood so I was really afraid. I called police to investigate it together.

You're coming with police! My heart screams. And you are in the same room with two corpses, with blood all over your hand! You have to run away!

"Miss Roberts? Are you okay?" a police say, "I heard a noise. I'm coming to where you are right now."

What should I do? I feel really desperate. Surrender. I'll just surrender.

Sunlight enlightens my face as I decide. It gets in from the window. The window! I can jump from it! So I open the window.

I've just got ready to jump when I see something. It is hidden under the window.

It is another letter. And a map. The only difference from the first letter is that this letter is handwritten. I recognise this handwriting. It is similar to my brother's. Yes, I'm sure it is his. I start reading.

If you, my dear, would like to know why I killed her, follow this map.

I jump after putting the map in my pocket.

(to be continued)
Thanks for helping me to translate some words... err... may I mention your name here?

Ah, okay. I don't know if you'd like to be mentioned or not, so I guess it's better to give you an alias.

Makasih ya, fellow writer!


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