
One per cent. The thing is always insignificant, but affects every life living in the whole world. For example, our financial life depends on what so-called as inflation (or deflation). Every single per cent means new tactics of living, especially for those who aren't lucky.

One per cent can also be spectacular, unimaginable, something people always dreamed of. I didn't take a look at any statistics, but who knows? Maybe one per cent is a number that represents people with really genius brains. Maybe there are one per cent of seven billion people who have the IQ above 200. We never know.

Bur what if, one per cent is what makes you never get your freedom? Freedom here can mean every thing; in social life, equality, etc. It can also be far nearer to our own self, yet more complex; freedom from our own mind.

Well, after all, one per cent is probably what defines people. We always struggle to be the only one; without thinking that isn't always an important thing, and more importantly, maybe not a good thing.

It is surely not that good.


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