Sawasdee, Postcards!

Postcrossing Project logo

Hello, this time I'm going to tell you about Postcrossing Project.

Postcrossing is a really nice way to collect postcards from all over the world! But, in my opinion, the real spirit of the project is to connect all nation in the world in a unique way, so that there will be peace in the world (once again, it's my opinion).

As told in its name, Postcrossing is post-crossing. Postcards crossing. Postcards sending-and-receiving. It's really easy to start this, you just need to make an account. Then, request for some addresses (yes, you need to write down your address in the website, don't worry, only the admins and postcrossers who will send you postcards know that). Please note that after requesting addresses, the postcards you send must arrive before 60 days (so, be sure to send it as soon as possible!)

Two of my sent postcards had safely arrived to Germany and Netherlands. They just take approximately 7 days to arrive. However, it may take longer time for some countries, for example Russia. And for your information, they're not expensive too! I only spent less than US$ 1 for each of it.

For more information please visit the website. Good luck!


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